Monday 12 January 2015

I don't care what the weatherman says!

Something I learnt a long time ago, is that no matter how bad the weather gets, dogs still need to go for a walk, and if your going to have to venture out in the rain anyway, you might as well go somewhere you'll enjoy. Plus, as my friend has told me many times when deciding whether to go for a bike ride in the rain, 'You only get wet once'.

With that in mind, I decided that today would be a good day to bag Sheeps Tor.

Driving around Burrator I passed many soaking wet walkers, and wondered what on earth they were doing walking in this weather. Then as I parked up, and got my boots and waterproofs on, it dawned on me that I'm just as mad, except I had the excuse that Cleo needed walking.

I set out with a route in mind, but came across a signpost suggesting I go in the opposite direction to the one I had planned. "Who am I to argue?" I thought, turning left instead of right, and following a bridle way that I had only vague memories of cycling once at night. Click here for my GPS tracked route

As the bridle way opened up onto moorland, I looked up at Sheeps Tor, confused by the direction I was walking (I'm sure it was the wrong way), and also mesmerised by the low cloud completely hiding the Tor.

Sheeps Tor hiding in the mist
As a teen I was an avid adventurer, completing both 35mile & 45mile Ten Tors routes (the latter without any pre-event training I hasten to add) with my school, and clocking up many 'Moor Miles' as a dedicated scout, so my 13yr old self would be less than impressed with my lack of equipment needed for a safe hike across the open moorland today. No map, no compass, no whistle, no backpack containing numerous changes of clothes, no emergency rations and to top it all off - no walking boots. Here I was, in thick mist, following a route I've never done before, with nothing more than a coat, waterproof trousers (to keep my jeans dry) and a pair of welly boots. Thoughts of "what if..." did cross my mind, but I remained calm, convinced that I would be fine.

And I was. 

Without any warning, I looked up into the rain blowing at my face and there was the summit. I had arrived at the top of Sheeps Tor, and I didn't even realise. I've been here many times before, and it's usually at this point I enjoy the views back down over Burrator Reservoir but with the weather being so poor, I had to use my imagination as to what Burrator looked like. Instead I took shelter in the rocks for the obligatory TorTourSelfie and sat there pondering the journey I had just taken up the hill.

One man and his dog taking shelter from the elements
It doesn't matter what the weather's like, it's always better to be outside!


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